Wednesday, July 7, 2010

[ALDERMEN:853] Police Vest

That there be no misunderstanding or misquote, I am sending you this e-mail.   I am in favor of  outfitting our police officers with protection vest that they may  fight crime w/o fear of getting killed by a criminal with heavy fire power.  I am a firm believer in supporting our law enforcement financially and with excellent  necessary equipment.   In order to invest financially in equipment upgrade,   I as a council member must know our financial condition of the City.  I cannot in good conscience spend money and not know how much money we have available to spend.  I have not received a financial report telling me the city’s financial condition. The Mayor said we have $220,000 Surplus and a member of the Council told me we have 1.2 Million deficit.   I am therefore giving notice to the treasurer for financial reporting and information to enable me as a council member to do my job.    Please Mr. Treasurer give us a full Financial report!  I have asked for a list of current liabilities, list of bills owed, and outstanding checks. 

Very respectfully,   Joe St.Columbia Sr. Alderman Ward 2


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